
Lightspark Kotlin Wallet SDK 🤖

This is a Kotlin (multiplatform) Wallet SDK for the Lightspark API. It can be used from an Android environment to integrate with a Lightspark Lightning wallet.

NOTE: This SDK is still in beta and is subject to change.

API Reference

Getting started

Start by installing the SDK from maven:


  dependencies {
implementation "com.lightspark:wallet-sdk:0.1.0"

or with build.gradle.kts:

  dependencies {

To use the SDK, you'll need to create a client instance. The SDK offers several client implementations which are suitable for different environments and needs:

  • LightsparkCoroutinesWalletClient - A client which uses the kotlinx.coroutines library to make asynchronous API calls. This is the recommended client for Android and other environments using Kotlin.

  • LightsparkSyncWalletClient - A fully synchronous client implementation which can be used to make blocking calls in an environment where you want more control over your concurrency model.

  • LightsparkFuturesWalletClient - A client which returns java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture results for asynchronous API calls. This is the recommended client for Java environments using JDK 8+.

To initialize a client, you'll need to use the ClientConfig object.

// Initialize a new client:
val lightsparkClient = LightsparkCoroutinesWalletClient(ClientConfig())

// Log in using a custom JWT login (see Authentication section below):
val loginResults = lightsparkClient.loginWithJWT(
Log.d("Lightspark", "Current wallet info: ${loginResults.wallet}")

// An example API call fetching the dashboard info for the active wallet:
val dashboard = lightsparkClient.getWalletDashboard()

or in Java using the synchronous client:

// Initialize the client with account token info:
LightsparkSyncClient lightsparkClient = new LightsparkSyncClient(new ClientConfig());

// Log in using a custom JWT login (see Authentication section below):
LoginWithJWTOutput loginResults = lightsparkClient.loginWithJWT(
new SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext)
Log.d("Lightspark", "Current wallet info: " + loginResults.wallet.toString());

// An example API call fetching the dashboard info for the active wallet:
WalletDashboard dashboard = lightsparkClient.getWalletDashboard();

or in Java using the Futures client:

LightsparkFuturesClient lightsparkClient = new LightsparkFuturesClient(new ClientConfig());

// Log in using a custom JWT login (see Authentication section below):
LoginWithJWTOutput loginResults = lightsparkClient.loginWithJWT(
new SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext)
Log.d("Lightspark", "Current wallet info: " + loginResults.wallet.toString());

// An example API call fetching the dashboard info for the active wallet:
WalletDashboard dashboard = lightsparkClient.getWalletDashboard().get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Authentication via JWT

The current version of the SDK supports JWT authentication, which is intended for client-side use. To authenticate, you'll need to login using your Lightspark account ID and a JWT allocated for the user by your own server.

jwt diagram

First, you'll need to register your account public key with Lightspark. You can do this from the Lightspark account settings page. You'll need to provide the public key for the account you want to use to sign JWTs. You can generate a keypair using the ES256 algorithm using the following command:

openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private.key

This will generate a private key file called private.key. You can then generate the public key file using the following command:

openssl ec -in private.key -pubout -out public.key

You can then copy the contents of the public key file into the "JWT Public Key" field on the API Tokens page. You'll also want to copy the private key into your server code (or rather in secret keystore or environment variable), so that you can use it to sign JWTs.

Next, you'll need to create a JWT for the user. You should expose an endpoint from your backend to create these tokens. For example, to create a JWT from a typescript+node server:

import * as jwt from "jsonwebtoken";

// Create a JSON object that contains the claims for your JWT.
const claims = {
aud: "https://api.lightspark.com",
// Any unique identifier for the user.
sub: "511c7eb8-9afe-4f69-989a-8d1113a33f3d",
// True to use the test environment, false to use the production environment.
test: true,
iat: 1516239022,
// Expriation time for the JWT.
exp: 1799393363,

// Call the `sign()` method on the `jsonwebtoken` library, passing in the JSON object and your private key.
const token = jwt.sign(claims, "your private key");

// Now send the token back to the client so that they can use it to authenticate with the Lightspark SDK.

Now on the client, you can login using the JWT and your company's account ID from the account settings page:

client.loginWithJWT(ACCOUNT_ID, jwt, SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext))

You'll notice that this request takes a parameter which is an implementation of JwtStorage. This can be used to save credentials for the next time the app starts up. If you want to recover wallet credentials using saved JWT info, you can pass a JWT storage implementation to the client constructor. For example, if you've previously logged in using a SharedPrefsJwtStorage implementation, you can recover the credentials at app startup like so:

val jwtStorage = SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext)
val client = LightsparkCoroutinesWalletClient(ClientConfig(authProvider = CustomJwtAuthProvider(jwtStorage)))

Deploying and initializing a wallet

wallet state diagram

When a user logs in for the first time, initially, their wallet will be in a NOT_SETUP status. You can identify this status by querying the current wallet:

val wallet = client.getCurrentWallet()
if (wallet.status == WalletStatus.NOT_SETUP) {
// The wallet is not setup, so we need to deploy it.

To deploy the wallet, you'll need to call client.deployWallet() and then wait for the wallet's status to update to the DEPLOYED or FAILED status. You can do this either by polling the wallet, or by using convenient helper methods:

// In a coroutine:
client.deployWalletAndAwaitDeployed().collect {
Log.d("Lightspark", "Wallet status: ${it.status}")

// Now the wallet is either DEPLOYED or FAILED.

Once the wallet is deployed, you can initialize it. However, first you'll need signing keys for the wallet to complete sensitive operations.

Key generation for the wallet

When initializing the wallet, you'll need to provide a public key for the wallet to use to sign transactions. Note that this is not the same as your JWT signing key used above. It should be unique to each user's wallet. It is the responsibility of your application to safely store the keypair for the user. Losing the private key will result in the user losing access to their wallet. Currently, the wallet SDK only supports RSA-PSS keys, but we plan to support other key types in the future.

For convenience, the wallet SDK provides a generateSigningKeyPair() method which can be used to generate a keypair. You can then store the keys however you'd like in your application code. Alternatively, on Android, you can also use the generateSigningKeyPairInAndroidKeyStore method which will directly create the signing key in the AndroidKeyStore, which is a secure storage mechanism for keys on Android. Note that this method will not give you access to the raw key material.

val keyPair = generateSigningKeyPair()
val signingWalletPublicKey = keyPair.public.encoded
val signingWalletPrivateKey = keyPair.private.encoded

// Store the keys somewhere safe.

Initializing the wallet

Now that you've got keys, you can initialize the wallet! Just like when deploying, you can do this either by polling the wallet, or by using Flow helpers:

val wallet = client.initializeWalletAndWaitForInitialized(
keyType = KeyType.RSA_OAEP,
signingPublicKey = Base64.encodeToString(sigingWalletPublicKey, Base64.NO_WRAP)
).collect {
Log.d("Lightspark", "Wallet status: ${it.status}")

// Now the wallet is either READY or FAILED.

Unlock the wallet and make requests

When the wallet is in the READY state, you can make requests. However, in order to complete sensitive operations like sending payments, first you'll need to unlock the wallet using the private key you generated earlier.

client.loadWalletSigningKey(Base64.encodeToString(sigingWalletPrivateKey, Base64.NO_WRAP))

Alternatively, if you created the key in the AndroidKeyStore via generateSigningKeyPairInAndroidKeyStore, you'll need to load the key via its alias you assigned at creation:


Now you can make requests! For example, to create an invoice:

val invoiceData = client.createInvoice(
amountMsats = 100_000,
memo = "mmmmm pizza",

or pay an invoice:

val payment = client.payInvoice(
encodedInvoice = invoiceData.encodedPaymentRequest,
maxFeesMsats = 50_000,

For more examples, check out the ./src/androidUnitTest/kotlin/com/lightspark/sdk/wallet/ClientIntegrationTests.kt or the ../androidwalletdemo/README.md.

Building and running the sample app

You can build the SDK and sample app using Gradle or Android Studio. The easiest option is to open this root directory as a project in Android studio and run the androidwalletdemo app configuration on an Android device or emulator.

Lightspark Kotlin Wallet SDK 🤖

This is a Kotlin (multiplatform) Wallet SDK for the Lightspark API. It can be used from an Android environment to integrate with a Lightspark Lightning wallet.

NOTE: This SDK is still in beta and is subject to change.

API Reference

Getting started

Start by installing the SDK from maven:


  dependencies {
implementation "com.lightspark:wallet-sdk:0.1.0"

or with build.gradle.kts:

  dependencies {

To use the SDK, you'll need to create a client instance. The SDK offers several client implementations which are suitable for different environments and needs:

  • LightsparkCoroutinesWalletClient - A client which uses the kotlinx.coroutines library to make asynchronous API calls. This is the recommended client for Android and other environments using Kotlin.

  • LightsparkSyncWalletClient - A fully synchronous client implementation which can be used to make blocking calls in an environment where you want more control over your concurrency model.

  • LightsparkFuturesWalletClient - A client which returns java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture results for asynchronous API calls. This is the recommended client for Java environments using JDK 8+.

To initialize a client, you'll need to use the ClientConfig object.

// Initialize a new client:
val lightsparkClient = LightsparkCoroutinesWalletClient(ClientConfig())

// Log in using a custom JWT login (see Authentication section below):
val loginResults = lightsparkClient.loginWithJWT(
Log.d("Lightspark", "Current wallet info: ${loginResults.wallet}")

// An example API call fetching the dashboard info for the active wallet:
val dashboard = lightsparkClient.getWalletDashboard()

or in Java using the synchronous client:

// Initialize the client with account token info:
LightsparkSyncClient lightsparkClient = new LightsparkSyncClient(new ClientConfig());

// Log in using a custom JWT login (see Authentication section below):
LoginWithJWTOutput loginResults = lightsparkClient.loginWithJWT(
new SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext)
Log.d("Lightspark", "Current wallet info: " + loginResults.wallet.toString());

// An example API call fetching the dashboard info for the active wallet:
WalletDashboard dashboard = lightsparkClient.getWalletDashboard();

or in Java using the Futures client:

LightsparkFuturesClient lightsparkClient = new LightsparkFuturesClient(new ClientConfig());

// Log in using a custom JWT login (see Authentication section below):
LoginWithJWTOutput loginResults = lightsparkClient.loginWithJWT(
new SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext)
Log.d("Lightspark", "Current wallet info: " + loginResults.wallet.toString());

// An example API call fetching the dashboard info for the active wallet:
WalletDashboard dashboard = lightsparkClient.getWalletDashboard().get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Authentication via JWT

The current version of the SDK supports JWT authentication, which is intended for client-side use. To authenticate, you'll need to login using your Lightspark account ID and a JWT allocated for the user by your own server.

jwt diagram

First, you'll need to register your account public key with Lightspark. You can do this from the Lightspark account settings page. You'll need to provide the public key for the account you want to use to sign JWTs. You can generate a keypair using the ES256 algorithm using the following command:

openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private.key

This will generate a private key file called private.key. You can then generate the public key file using the following command:

openssl ec -in private.key -pubout -out public.key

You can then copy the contents of the public key file into the "JWT Public Key" field on the API Tokens page. You'll also want to copy the private key into your server code (or rather in secret keystore or environment variable), so that you can use it to sign JWTs.

Next, you'll need to create a JWT for the user. You should expose an endpoint from your backend to create these tokens. For example, to create a JWT from a typescript+node server:

import * as jwt from "jsonwebtoken";

// Create a JSON object that contains the claims for your JWT.
const claims = {
aud: "https://api.lightspark.com",
// Any unique identifier for the user.
sub: "511c7eb8-9afe-4f69-989a-8d1113a33f3d",
// True to use the test environment, false to use the production environment.
test: true,
iat: 1516239022,
// Expriation time for the JWT.
exp: 1799393363,

// Call the `sign()` method on the `jsonwebtoken` library, passing in the JSON object and your private key.
const token = jwt.sign(claims, "your private key");

// Now send the token back to the client so that they can use it to authenticate with the Lightspark SDK.

Now on the client, you can login using the JWT and your company's account ID from the account settings page:

client.loginWithJWT(ACCOUNT_ID, jwt, SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext))

You'll notice that this request takes a parameter which is an implementation of JwtStorage. This can be used to save credentials for the next time the app starts up. If you want to recover wallet credentials using saved JWT info, you can pass a JWT storage implementation to the client constructor. For example, if you've previously logged in using a SharedPrefsJwtStorage implementation, you can recover the credentials at app startup like so:

val jwtStorage = SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext)
val client = LightsparkCoroutinesWalletClient(ClientConfig(authProvider = CustomJwtAuthProvider(jwtStorage)))

Deploying and initializing a wallet

wallet state diagram

When a user logs in for the first time, initially, their wallet will be in a NOT_SETUP status. You can identify this status by querying the current wallet:

val wallet = client.getCurrentWallet()
if (wallet.status == WalletStatus.NOT_SETUP) {
// The wallet is not setup, so we need to deploy it.

To deploy the wallet, you'll need to call client.deployWallet() and then wait for the wallet's status to update to the DEPLOYED or FAILED status. You can do this either by polling the wallet, or by using convenient helper methods:

// In a coroutine:
client.deployWalletAndAwaitDeployed().collect {
Log.d("Lightspark", "Wallet status: ${it.status}")

// Now the wallet is either DEPLOYED or FAILED.

Once the wallet is deployed, you can initialize it. However, first you'll need signing keys for the wallet to complete sensitive operations.

Key generation for the wallet

When initializing the wallet, you'll need to provide a public key for the wallet to use to sign transactions. Note that this is not the same as your JWT signing key used above. It should be unique to each user's wallet. It is the responsibility of your application to safely store the keypair for the user. Losing the private key will result in the user losing access to their wallet. Currently, the wallet SDK only supports RSA-PSS keys, but we plan to support other key types in the future.

For convenience, the wallet SDK provides a generateSigningKeyPair() method which can be used to generate a keypair. You can then store the keys however you'd like in your application code. Alternatively, on Android, you can also use the generateSigningKeyPairInAndroidKeyStore method which will directly create the signing key in the AndroidKeyStore, which is a secure storage mechanism for keys on Android. Note that this method will not give you access to the raw key material.

val keyPair = generateSigningKeyPair()
val signingWalletPublicKey = keyPair.public.encoded
val signingWalletPrivateKey = keyPair.private.encoded

// Store the keys somewhere safe.

Initializing the wallet

Now that you've got keys, you can initialize the wallet! Just like when deploying, you can do this either by polling the wallet, or by using Flow helpers:

val wallet = client.initializeWalletAndWaitForInitialized(
keyType = KeyType.RSA_OAEP,
signingPublicKey = Base64.encodeToString(sigingWalletPublicKey, Base64.NO_WRAP)
).collect {
Log.d("Lightspark", "Wallet status: ${it.status}")

// Now the wallet is either READY or FAILED.

Unlock the wallet and make requests

When the wallet is in the READY state, you can make requests. However, in order to complete sensitive operations like sending payments, first you'll need to unlock the wallet using the private key you generated earlier.

client.loadWalletSigningKey(Base64.encodeToString(sigingWalletPrivateKey, Base64.NO_WRAP))

Alternatively, if you created the key in the AndroidKeyStore via generateSigningKeyPairInAndroidKeyStore, you'll need to load the key via its alias you assigned at creation:


Now you can make requests! For example, to create an invoice:

val invoiceData = client.createInvoice(
amountMsats = 100_000,
memo = "mmmmm pizza",

or pay an invoice:

val payment = client.payInvoice(
encodedInvoice = invoiceData.encodedPaymentRequest,
maxFeesMsats = 50_000,

For more examples, check out the ./src/androidUnitTest/kotlin/com/lightspark/sdk/wallet/ClientIntegrationTests.kt or the ../androidwalletdemo/README.md.

Building and running the sample app

You can build the SDK and sample app using Gradle or Android Studio. The easiest option is to open this root directory as a project in Android studio and run the androidwalletdemo app configuration on an Android device or emulator.

Lightspark Kotlin Wallet SDK 🤖

This is a Kotlin (multiplatform) Wallet SDK for the Lightspark API. It can be used from an Android environment to integrate with a Lightspark Lightning wallet.

NOTE: This SDK is still in beta and is subject to change.

API Reference

Getting started

Start by installing the SDK from maven:


  dependencies {
implementation "com.lightspark:wallet-sdk:0.1.0"

or with build.gradle.kts:

  dependencies {

To use the SDK, you'll need to create a client instance. The SDK offers several client implementations which are suitable for different environments and needs:

  • LightsparkCoroutinesWalletClient - A client which uses the kotlinx.coroutines library to make asynchronous API calls. This is the recommended client for Android and other environments using Kotlin.

  • LightsparkSyncWalletClient - A fully synchronous client implementation which can be used to make blocking calls in an environment where you want more control over your concurrency model.

  • LightsparkFuturesWalletClient - A client which returns java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture results for asynchronous API calls. This is the recommended client for Java environments using JDK 8+.

To initialize a client, you'll need to use the ClientConfig object.

// Initialize a new client:
val lightsparkClient = LightsparkCoroutinesWalletClient(ClientConfig())

// Log in using a custom JWT login (see Authentication section below):
val loginResults = lightsparkClient.loginWithJWT(
Log.d("Lightspark", "Current wallet info: ${loginResults.wallet}")

// An example API call fetching the dashboard info for the active wallet:
val dashboard = lightsparkClient.getWalletDashboard()

or in Java using the synchronous client:

// Initialize the client with account token info:
LightsparkSyncClient lightsparkClient = new LightsparkSyncClient(new ClientConfig());

// Log in using a custom JWT login (see Authentication section below):
LoginWithJWTOutput loginResults = lightsparkClient.loginWithJWT(
new SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext)
Log.d("Lightspark", "Current wallet info: " + loginResults.wallet.toString());

// An example API call fetching the dashboard info for the active wallet:
WalletDashboard dashboard = lightsparkClient.getWalletDashboard();

or in Java using the Futures client:

LightsparkFuturesClient lightsparkClient = new LightsparkFuturesClient(new ClientConfig());

// Log in using a custom JWT login (see Authentication section below):
LoginWithJWTOutput loginResults = lightsparkClient.loginWithJWT(
new SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext)
Log.d("Lightspark", "Current wallet info: " + loginResults.wallet.toString());

// An example API call fetching the dashboard info for the active wallet:
WalletDashboard dashboard = lightsparkClient.getWalletDashboard().get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Authentication via JWT

The current version of the SDK supports JWT authentication, which is intended for client-side use. To authenticate, you'll need to login using your Lightspark account ID and a JWT allocated for the user by your own server.

jwt diagram

First, you'll need to register your account public key with Lightspark. You can do this from the Lightspark account settings page. You'll need to provide the public key for the account you want to use to sign JWTs. You can generate a keypair using the ES256 algorithm using the following command:

openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private.key

This will generate a private key file called private.key. You can then generate the public key file using the following command:

openssl ec -in private.key -pubout -out public.key

You can then copy the contents of the public key file into the "JWT Public Key" field on the API Tokens page. You'll also want to copy the private key into your server code (or rather in secret keystore or environment variable), so that you can use it to sign JWTs.

Next, you'll need to create a JWT for the user. You should expose an endpoint from your backend to create these tokens. For example, to create a JWT from a typescript+node server:

import * as jwt from "jsonwebtoken";

// Create a JSON object that contains the claims for your JWT.
const claims = {
aud: "https://api.lightspark.com",
// Any unique identifier for the user.
sub: "511c7eb8-9afe-4f69-989a-8d1113a33f3d",
// True to use the test environment, false to use the production environment.
test: true,
iat: 1516239022,
// Expriation time for the JWT.
exp: 1799393363,

// Call the `sign()` method on the `jsonwebtoken` library, passing in the JSON object and your private key.
const token = jwt.sign(claims, "your private key");

// Now send the token back to the client so that they can use it to authenticate with the Lightspark SDK.

Now on the client, you can login using the JWT and your company's account ID from the account settings page:

client.loginWithJWT(ACCOUNT_ID, jwt, SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext))

You'll notice that this request takes a parameter which is an implementation of JwtStorage. This can be used to save credentials for the next time the app starts up. If you want to recover wallet credentials using saved JWT info, you can pass a JWT storage implementation to the client constructor. For example, if you've previously logged in using a SharedPrefsJwtStorage implementation, you can recover the credentials at app startup like so:

val jwtStorage = SharedPrefsJwtStorage(applicationContext)
val client = LightsparkCoroutinesWalletClient(ClientConfig(authProvider = CustomJwtAuthProvider(jwtStorage)))

Deploying and initializing a wallet

wallet state diagram

When a user logs in for the first time, initially, their wallet will be in a NOT_SETUP status. You can identify this status by querying the current wallet:

val wallet = client.getCurrentWallet()
if (wallet.status == WalletStatus.NOT_SETUP) {
// The wallet is not setup, so we need to deploy it.

To deploy the wallet, you'll need to call client.deployWallet() and then wait for the wallet's status to update to the DEPLOYED or FAILED status. You can do this either by polling the wallet, or by using convenient helper methods:

// In a coroutine:
client.deployWalletAndAwaitDeployed().collect {
Log.d("Lightspark", "Wallet status: ${it.status}")

// Now the wallet is either DEPLOYED or FAILED.

Once the wallet is deployed, you can initialize it. However, first you'll need signing keys for the wallet to complete sensitive operations.

Key generation for the wallet

When initializing the wallet, you'll need to provide a public key for the wallet to use to sign transactions. Note that this is not the same as your JWT signing key used above. It should be unique to each user's wallet. It is the responsibility of your application to safely store the keypair for the user. Losing the private key will result in the user losing access to their wallet. Currently, the wallet SDK only supports RSA-PSS keys, but we plan to support other key types in the future.

For convenience, the wallet SDK provides a generateSigningKeyPair() method which can be used to generate a keypair. You can then store the keys however you'd like in your application code. Alternatively, on Android, you can also use the generateSigningKeyPairInAndroidKeyStore method which will directly create the signing key in the AndroidKeyStore, which is a secure storage mechanism for keys on Android. Note that this method will not give you access to the raw key material.

val keyPair = generateSigningKeyPair()
val signingWalletPublicKey = keyPair.public.encoded
val signingWalletPrivateKey = keyPair.private.encoded

// Store the keys somewhere safe.

Initializing the wallet

Now that you've got keys, you can initialize the wallet! Just like when deploying, you can do this either by polling the wallet, or by using Flow helpers:

val wallet = client.initializeWalletAndWaitForInitialized(
keyType = KeyType.RSA_OAEP,
signingPublicKey = Base64.encodeToString(sigingWalletPublicKey, Base64.NO_WRAP)
).collect {
Log.d("Lightspark", "Wallet status: ${it.status}")

// Now the wallet is either READY or FAILED.

Unlock the wallet and make requests

When the wallet is in the READY state, you can make requests. However, in order to complete sensitive operations like sending payments, first you'll need to unlock the wallet using the private key you generated earlier.

client.loadWalletSigningKey(Base64.encodeToString(sigingWalletPrivateKey, Base64.NO_WRAP))

Alternatively, if you created the key in the AndroidKeyStore via generateSigningKeyPairInAndroidKeyStore, you'll need to load the key via its alias you assigned at creation:


Now you can make requests! For example, to create an invoice:

val invoiceData = client.createInvoice(
amountMsats = 100_000,
memo = "mmmmm pizza",

or pay an invoice:

val payment = client.payInvoice(
encodedInvoice = invoiceData.encodedPaymentRequest,
maxFeesMsats = 50_000,

For more examples, check out the ./src/androidUnitTest/kotlin/com/lightspark/sdk/wallet/ClientIntegrationTests.kt or the ../androidwalletdemo/README.md.

Building and running the sample app

You can build the SDK and sample app using Gradle or Android Studio. The easiest option is to open this root directory as a project in Android studio and run the androidwalletdemo app configuration on an Android device or emulator.


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