Package-level declarations


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data class Balances(val ownedBalance: CurrencyAmount, val availableToSendBalance: CurrencyAmount, val availableToWithdrawBalance: CurrencyAmount)
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data class CreateBitcoinFundingAddressOutput(val bitcoinAddress: String)
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data class CreateInvoiceInput(val amountMsats: Long, val memo: String? = null, val invoiceType: InvoiceType? = null)
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data class CreateInvoiceOutput(val invoiceId: EntityId)
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data class CurrencyAmount(val originalValue: Long, val originalUnit: CurrencyUnit, val preferredCurrencyUnit: CurrencyUnit, val preferredCurrencyValueRounded: Long, val preferredCurrencyValueApprox: Float)

Represents the value and unit for an amount of currency.

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data class DeployWalletOutput(val wallet: Wallet)
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data class Deposit(val id: String, val createdAt: Instant, val updatedAt: Instant, val status: TransactionStatus, val amount: CurrencyAmount, val blockHeight: Int, val destinationAddresses: List<String>, val resolvedAt: Instant? = null, val transactionHash: String? = null, val fees: CurrencyAmount? = null, val blockHash: String? = null, val numConfirmations: Int? = null) : OnChainTransaction, Transaction, Entity

The transaction on Bitcoin blockchain to fund the Lightspark node's wallet.

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interface Entity

This interface is used by all the entities in the Lightspark systems. It defines a few core fields that are available everywhere. Any object that implements this interface can be queried using the entity query and its ID.

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data class EntityId(val id: String)
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data class FeeEstimate(val feeFast: CurrencyAmount, val feeMin: CurrencyAmount)
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data class IncomingPayment(val id: String, val createdAt: Instant, val updatedAt: Instant, val status: TransactionStatus, val amount: CurrencyAmount, val resolvedAt: Instant? = null, val transactionHash: String? = null, val paymentRequestId: EntityId? = null) : LightningTransaction, Transaction, Entity

A transaction that was sent to a Lightspark node on the Lightning Network.

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data class InitializeWalletInput(val signingPublicKey: KeyInput)
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data class InitializeWalletOutput(val wallet: Wallet)
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data class Invoice(val id: String, val createdAt: Instant, val updatedAt: Instant, val data: InvoiceData, val status: PaymentRequestStatus, val amountPaid: CurrencyAmount? = null) : PaymentRequest, Entity

This object represents a BOLT #11 invoice ( initiated by a Lightspark Node.

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data class InvoiceData(val encodedPaymentRequest: String, val bitcoinNetwork: BitcoinNetwork, val paymentHash: String, val amount: CurrencyAmount, val createdAt: Instant, val expiresAt: Instant, val memo: String? = null) : PaymentRequestData

This object represents the BOLT #11 invoice protocol for Lightning Payments. See

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data class KeyInput(val publicKey: String)
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@Serializable(with = KeyTypeSerializer::class)
enum KeyType : Enum<KeyType>
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data class LightningFeeEstimateForInvoiceInput(val encodedPaymentRequest: String, val amountMsats: Long? = null)
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data class LightningFeeEstimateForNodeInput(val destinationNodePublicKey: String, val amountMsats: Long)
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data class LightningFeeEstimateOutput(val feeEstimate: CurrencyAmount)
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data class LoginWithJWTInput(val accountId: String, val jwt: String)
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data class LoginWithJWTOutput(val accessToken: String, val wallet: Wallet, val validUntil: Instant)
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Transaction happened on Bitcoin blockchain.

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data class OutgoingPayment(val id: String, val createdAt: Instant, val updatedAt: Instant, val status: TransactionStatus, val amount: CurrencyAmount, val resolvedAt: Instant? = null, val transactionHash: String? = null, val fees: CurrencyAmount? = null, val paymentRequestData: PaymentRequestData? = null, val failureReason: PaymentFailureReason? = null, val failureMessage: RichText? = null) : LightningTransaction, Transaction, Entity

A transaction that was sent from a Lightspark node on the Lightning Network.

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data class PageInfo(val hasNextPage: Boolean? = null, val hasPreviousPage: Boolean? = null, val startCursor: String? = null, val endCursor: String? = null)
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data class PayInvoiceInput(val encodedInvoice: String, val timeoutSecs: Int, val maximumFeesMsats: Long, val amountMsats: Long? = null)
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data class PayInvoiceOutput(val paymentId: EntityId)
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The interface of a payment request on the Lightning Network (a.k.a. Lightning Invoice).

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data class RequestWithdrawalInput(val bitcoinAddress: String, val amountSats: Long)
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data class RequestWithdrawalOutput(val requestId: EntityId)
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data class RichText(val text: String)
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data class SendPaymentInput(val destinationPublicKey: String, val timeoutSecs: Int, val amountMsats: Long, val maximumFeesMsats: Long)
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data class SendPaymentOutput(val paymentId: EntityId)
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data class TerminateWalletOutput(val wallet: Wallet)
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interface Transaction : Entity
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data class Wallet(val id: String, val createdAt: Instant, val updatedAt: Instant, val status: WalletStatus, val balances: Balances? = null) : Entity
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data class WalletToPaymentRequestsConnection(val pageInfo: PageInfo, val count: Int, val entities: List<PaymentRequest>)
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data class WalletToTransactionsConnection(val pageInfo: PageInfo, val count: Int, val entities: List<Transaction>)
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data class Withdrawal(val id: String, val createdAt: Instant, val updatedAt: Instant, val status: TransactionStatus, val amount: CurrencyAmount, val blockHeight: Int, val destinationAddresses: List<String>, val resolvedAt: Instant? = null, val transactionHash: String? = null, val fees: CurrencyAmount? = null, val blockHash: String? = null, val numConfirmations: Int? = null) : OnChainTransaction, Transaction, Entity

The transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain to withdraw funds from the Lightspark node to a Bitcoin wallet.

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data class WithdrawalRequest(val id: String, val createdAt: Instant, val updatedAt: Instant, val amount: CurrencyAmount, val bitcoinAddress: String, val status: WithdrawalRequestStatus, val estimatedAmount: CurrencyAmount? = null, val completedAt: Instant? = null, val withdrawalId: EntityId? = null) : Entity